Maybe it’s May

It’s actually April the 30th at the time of writing, but publish date will be May (tomorrow!) and then whenever you read this, it maybe May but maybe not. I don’t know – you’re all really quiet! So I guess I’ve either become dull or uninteresting (surely not?) or I don’t post enough to keep you wanting to come back and check in to see what’s going on.

Fine. If you’re not going to say anything then I shall continue anyway. I do like the sound of my own voice, or my own sentences. Interestingly I don’t hear my voice when I read my own words, it’s a voice that sounds much more refined, warm and friendly. I know, I know… that’s a description of my own voice (!) but seriously, I don’t hear me when I read me.

Have you ever looked in a mirror and noticed the person looking back is actually different to how you thought? I’ve had many a moment in my own life when I’ve looked at someone I thought I knew and realised the face I was seeing was a younger version of the real version. Weird? Maybe. Same with voices. People change. It’s especially noticeable when you’re me (which you’re not…) and the interval between seeing people, friends, family etc is slightly longer than one would like.

I miss you. Even those who I’ve never met (hello by the way).

Have you ever looked in a window and thought the person looking back at you is you? Well that happened to me last week too. It was a window in a door, and as I approached the door so did my ‘reflection’ then the door opened and I hadn’t touched the door. I jumped back a foot! It was so funny. The reflection was actually Miguel wearing the same work tshirt as me (Miguel and I don’t exactly look alike, but the mirror movement towards the door is what led me to believe it was a reflection. Pretty daft I know). So that actually happened…

What’s been going on? Oh, same old. Some things new, some things the same, some things didn’t happen. I don’y know? I’m not keeping track of the comings and goings so much these days, but that’s not to say that things are dull or stagnant. Certainly not. But you know it would be both much appreciated and conversational if you asked questions about things I’m doing -that would be the best way of me communicating what you’re interested to hear about. Or else I just end up talking about my own voice.

Here are some bits and pieces:

  • I joined a church connect group. We meet on Wednesdays at 8pm and I cycle. We’re currently going through the book of Matthew. It’s a group of about 10 and they’re wonderful, fun, lovely, interesting and really good people to be around. That’s a good thing.
  • I’ve been canoeing on the lake a few times this month to practice 3 star skills in preparation for 3 star assessment one day. The emphasis on 3 star is “effective” paddling. Johnny is leading us in the training (he’s a fellow instructor here at Carroty Wood) and I love canoeing! I’m learning well and I’m told that I’m well on course with the strokes and technique. That’s a good thing.
  • I’ve been cycling every week and the one time that I recorded my cycle ride I managed to get to 30mph, with an average speed of 15mph. Not bad for a new cyclist, an old bike and below average fitness levels (in my opinion of myself). I love cycling, it’s so good to self-propel and move at a much quicker pace than walking -makes sense. That’s a good thing. The bike is started to have some problems with shifting gears so I need to check that out some time before it becomes a bad thing.
  • I’ve started to use Strava app to record bike rides. This is a good thing.
  • The school groups have told us that they had a lot of fun here at Carroty Wood, and were especially impressed and appreciative of the instructed activities. That’s a good thing.
  • I’m getting settled at St Stephens church in Tonbridge, getting to know lots of people -one moment in particular which stood out to me was during a baptism service when the pastor walked around the church with the new member to the church and their family to greet us as church family. He walked around down the aisles and introduced me by name. That was a special moment for me, as I’ve only been going a few weeks, but to be mentioned by name as part of their (my) church family was great. He probably wouldn’t know quite exactly how means to me. This is a good thing.
  • I’ve been going to an International group in Tonbridge, meeting in Starbucks on Friday nights. I’ve met quite a few people from various countries all living and working in the surrounding area. They’re all wonderful, interesting, lovely, and nice people. Glad to be a pedantic but clear spoken Englishman because apparently they like those qualities. That is a good thing… (?)
  • I am well and healthy. That is a good thing.

But there are less-than-good things happening too. On several occasions I’ve had a low moment, which have passed or the moment passed anyway. Let’s not mar this blog entry with mentioning less desirables or problems, not that I’m keeping them to myself (although so far I am) because I’ve written down a couple of them. I’ll let the words sort themselves out, or better yet, let the Word (that became flesh) get involved and sort me out. He is. He will work to completion what He started.

Let’s not be vague about that part. I believe in God, right, I’m a Christian, a disciple of Jesus, adopted son of the Father and a student of the Holy Spirit. I’m learning, I know this, and I’m growing too (maybe you’ve noticed?). I know that I’ve come a long way and I have an epic journey ahead. It’s not enough to have just heard about “Christian” things, but you need to know them, you need to live them, you need that right relationship with God and keep pursuing Him! Being a Christian isn’t a hobby is a renewed way of life, with a renewed mind, a renewed heart; you have purpose, reason, grace and love – oh, the love! Love. Real love. Really real love. Authentic love.

I’m currently reading about Count Zinzendorf (heard of him?), continuing with Systematic Theology and I’ve just finished a reader’s edition of A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis. What a writer! What a book! I’ve just ordered a book by Rowan Williams (ex-Arch Bishop of Canterbury) who also seems like a clever man who is gifted with words.


Wonderful words.

Let the learning continue.

Please do get in touch if you wanted to chat, comment or see what’s going on. I like conversations. I like you.


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